Narragansett Bay is traditionally famous for its quality boats... and now the Pearson symbol heralds a new and exciting chapter in marine craftsmanship and design. Sea-wise craftsmen at Pearson Corporation, working with modern materials, designs, and production methods, are producting a line of boats which have already won the plaudits of the most discriminating yachtsman... a line which offers many new and unique features at attractive prices.
Pearson conducted a conscientious consideration and evaluation of all available materials before standardizing on fiberglass (and the special compounds offered by Owens Corning Fiberglass in particular) as the basic material for their boat line. This material, they found, offered the boat owners many outstanding advantages... no leakage, low maintenance, greater strength, high strength for weight ratio, design flexibility, and lower overall cost per boat life.
Continuing research in mold design plastic materials and construction methods contributes to the endurance qualities of PEERLESS BOATS. Exhaustive tests determine the ideal combination of hull design, weight, and construction which assure maximum performance underway and the performance plus which characterizes the Pearson line. These multiple design, performance, and construction advantages mean Peerless Boats by Pearson offer more for the money!
The Pearson symbol is your guarantee of real boating pleasure. Test ride a PEERLESS BOAT... and thrill to the nimble maneuverability, the speed, and the stable, smooth flowing, safe ride that is built into every model. See why, in a few short years, Pearson has become part of the 'gansett Bay tradition!'
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